
Seller Representation

If a business owner is prepared to sell, our brokers have the experience, systems and tools to coach them through our process of selling their company which will maximize value.

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Buyer Representation

DBG Advisors assists financial and strategic buyers in finding the best company in DFW for sale. We further represent clients in the final transaction.

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We have relationships with strategic buyers and private equity firms in Texas. DBG can also consult on available options when more capital is needed for company growth.

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Management Buy-Outs

DBG Advisors acts as intermediaries in guiding founders and entrepreneurs through the process of selling all or a portion of their company to existing management.

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The DBG Difference

DBG’s goal is to point the business owner in the right direction toward a lucrative exit. The process involves doing a business assessment in order to determine a defendable sales price, remove obstacles to the sale which makes the business attractive to potential buyers. We examine both sides of the transaction to make sure we maximize the business owner’s exit while at the same time provide potential buyers with a perfect fit for their acquisition. We work with companies throughout Texas in a variety of industries. DBG customizes services to each client’s needs, interest level, market and budget. Our strength is a combination of competence, integrity, experience and service.

Determine Business Valuation

DBG Advisors offers accurate business appraisals through a combination of best practices and research tools designed specifically for business valuations. By using our unique process, DBG helps sellers establish a defendable sales price. Next, our Brokers help the owner determine the most probable selling price, allowing you to maximize the value of your business.

Build Value

A company’s valuation is important when selling, and plays a critical role in expansion, investment and growth. Starting with an initial appraisal, DBG Advisors provides business growth coaching to clients not quite ready for a transaction. Our team can coach founders and owners on low-risk strategies to increase valuation, improving cash flow and maximize ROI.

Get Full Value

The “Sellability” of a company is not determined by you, the owner, nor by your revenue or your impressive list of customers. The sellability of your company, and the amount it can sell for is what a buyer is willing to pay. Getting a “Sellability Score” will help the business owner begin to see their company from a buyer’s perspective resulting in valuable insight into how they need to prepare for an exit.

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Receive a Complimentary Book, Written by Dr. Nolan Duck

Dr Duck wrote this book for business owners in Texas who want to scale up and exit their businesses. It contains his experiences in selling companies over the past 15 years. Hopefully, it will help you prepare for your exit.

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