
Exit Your Business With No Regrets – PREScore, which stands for “Personal Readiness to Exit Score,” is an 8-minute online questionnaire that measures a business owner’s personal readiness to leave their company. PREScore calculates an owner’s readiness by determining where they stand on each of the 4 drivers of a satisfying exit. This algorithm was formed by looking at more than 40,000 business owners and conducting more than 200 in-depth interviews with owners who recently sold their companies.

The 12 questions of PREScore are often overlooked by business owners, leaving them unprepared and in a crisis when they decide to sell their business. PREScore helps owners find the areas that are at risk and provides them with personalized suggestions for how to fix them. This allows them to make a personal plan that ensures a happy and profitable exit.

PREScore is a tool within The Value Builder System™ and is a statistically proven toolset for increasing the value of a company. Get Your PREScore.