
Does the Deal Fit?

“The most successful integrations were directed by people who placed the common good of the combined organization and its customers before all else.” From: The Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook. By now, most business owners are familiar with the problems created…

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A Selling Memorandum

A sellers memorandum includes all those points one would normally expect to see in any business plan, to wit: an executive summary, a business description, financial requirements, target market niche, identification of top management, an operations review, analysis of strengths…

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You Can Help!

You, as the seller, are an integral part of the total marketing program. We would like to offer a few friendly recommendations that will help in the marketing efforts. It might also be helpful if you took a good look…

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The Term Sheet

Buyers, sellers, intermediaries and advisors often mention the use of a term sheet prior to the creation of an actual purchase and sale agreement. However, very rarely do you ever hear this document explained. It sounds good but what is…

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